Business Performance

For Business Performance, getting maximum output and BEST results requires sound Business practices along with an understanding of trends and issues affecting the current marketplace.Critically its understanding the significant shifts facing Companies today, and more importantly, for Business, finding how to respond to keep market share and stay competitive. 

There are ways. READ on! 

To respond effectively smart Businesses are developing strategies designed utilising their human and technological resources.

It’s about developing, joining forces and combining the best of all resources to produce maximum effort and performance.


Smart Businesses also recognise the importance of building a high-performance culture as the cornerstone for future growth and success.

Strategy 1: Offer Employee Balanced Working options. The Hybrid model of remote/at-home and in-person has gained popularity. With structure and support, employees can fully operate to deliver maximum performance. The answer lies in finding the right balance for all designed to produce optimal outcomes. This approach nutures and supports a high-performance culture.

Strategy 2: Technology Capability and technological advantage requires the ‘right’ capabilities to be effective. Businesses need to build institutional capabilities. That is, an integrated combination of people, processes and technical knowledge designed to produce better results and gain an edge over competitors. Seek expert help if needed to audit your 'capabilities' and provide solutions for improvements as required. 

Strategy 3: AI – applied intelligence, embrace the technology or be left behind. Explore the benefits and opportunities available to improve ways of working and make faster, data driven structural changes. The future is AI and smart Businesses are addressing risks and ethical concerns. Again seek professional expert advice if needed.

Workplace Culture

The headlines said it all! Did you see them?   

Stories of workplace ‘toxic’ culture. Organisations with a noxious environment that had undermined workplace relations causing disruption and pain for many.  These workplaces are characterised by bullying, harassment or exclusion that results in absenteeism, low productivity and more recently resenteeism. But there are solutions to remedy such situations.  

Culture has been described as ‘the way of life for an entire society, including codes of manners, dress, language, religion and rituals and art’.  Elements include values and beliefs and norms and symbols’. At times these are in sync and harmony but at other times there may be challenges and conflict to the status quo. This can be due to a breakdown in Management employee relationships. 

When we consider an Organization you will see similarities. 


Company culture is the underlying 'way we do things' attitude that becomes ingrained in behaviours.  Importantly Management, Leaders need to create a positive work-life culture so that everyone enjoys the benefits of productive, long-lasting results.

Now ask yourself what is my Business culture, importantly is it healthy reflecting the Company vision and mission. Great, if you said yes but what if you answered no!


The answer lies in changing culture. This need for a shift in culture can arise for a number of reasons.  For example, if your Business has low productivity, high staff turnover and many complaints from customers and employees, consider the need to change your workplace culture. It's about bringing in change for the better.

To successfully transform a work culture is a complex and challenging undertaking but the end result can be worth the effort. It takes commitment, careful planning and development of strategies. Strategies that need to be implemented and adopted by all to achieve the desired outcomes.

Here is our 10 Step Guide to Changing Workplace Culture:

  1. It starts at the top with Executive, leading by example. Set the standards.

Happy Workplace

Creating and cultivating a happy, positive work environment is something you can’t afford not to do. If you are a Business owner it's essential to the success of your venture! 

It’s positivity, that aura you can feel, sense and see! These are the ‘happy’ vibes and rays given off by contented people, employees and customers alike. 

You may have found the key and are one of the lucky ones who have experienced such euphoria! Your workplace environment exudes happiness. Customers also enjoy the benefits of a ‘happy place’ and keep coming back for more.

And it’s not that hard to achieve this Shangri-La.

If you are a Business owner you can start by sowing the seeds. In this article, we provide the tips to create a positive, happy workplace. Nurture and you will see cooperation, trust and accountability grow and flourish. It’s about striving for a shared purpose, values and trust, that is developed between you, staff and your customers. By following our Tips you can harvest the benefits. Make your workplace the one everyone wants to be at. 

  1. Wear a smile: How you present and interact with others is how they will react to you. Smiling is contagious. If the Manager has a positive demeanour it can influence emotions and create a sense of happiness. Employees are more likely to feel relaxed, communicate more and worry less. Happiness fosters confidence and motivation. Not happy! Frown and your staff frown with you.
  1. Foster open and honest communication: This is the conduit for constructive exchanges and are the building blocks of healthy relationships. Encourage feedback, listen and act on it as needed. Staff will appreciate the opportunity to speak and will feel valued. Open and honest communication is essential to transparent management. Importantly, invite input from your customers, online surveys or face-to-face, hear and heed their comments. Without customers you are out of Business.



Tackling a home renovation, making your own wedding gown or planning your retirement, is it a 'do-it-yourself' task or one that requires the skills of a professional!

Yes, that is the critical Question to ask yourself before deciding.

 With any task it's about joining all the pieces of the puzzle together, to fit, function and peform to produce a successful outcome, and we know that can be tricky and challenging. For that very reason it's worth asking the questions, more importantly considering the pros and cons of, DIY or engage a Professional!  

We have all heard the arguments for DIY, do it yourself, its cheaper that hiring an expert, surely it can't be that hard a task and DIY can be fun and rewarding. And don't forget the heaps of free advice from friends and 'web'.

Now ask yourself these 7 Questions, and answer honestly before deciding!

  1. do I have the necessary skills and abilities
  2. do I have the 'expert' subject knowledge needed
  3. what do I know and dont know
  4. is this a job I can tackle and learn as I go
  5. do I have the right tools and equipment
  6. what are the possible risks, accident and financial
  7. and critically, do I have the time!

 How did you rate yourself?

As a general rule, the tip is to only undertake projects you feel comforatble with and have the skill set to complete them with 'best' possible results. This applies to any job that needs professional skills and knowledge to fully complete the task successfully. And don't we all want that!

 If you have answered yes to the above, consider carefully the benefits of engaging a Professional

These include:

  • the contractor is qualified in the field of work
  • has the necessary 'tools' and equipment
  • provides cost effective expertise
  • ensures the job will done correctly (to any regulations, specifications and your requirements)
  • in the end it delivers savings in time, effort and cost.

With these positives in mind it makes good sense that with something as important as taxation matters, unless you are a tax expert, why wouldn't you engage a professional Accountant?

Empty Pocket

Most Small Businesses will experience ‘cashflow challenges’ those times when the sea of money seems to be adrift, with more money going out of the Business than there is cash coming in! 

If this sounds familiar you are not alone with ‘92% of Australian small Businesses experiencing negative cashflow with owners struggling to pay essential costs such as rent and wages’ (Insight report July 2022). This is financial pressure small Business doesn’t need!

The good news is that there are ways to help stay afloat! With foresight and adopting sound financial management strategies some common mistakes can be avoided and obstacles overcome.

  Here are some common challenges with our Top Tips to help you overcome them!

  1. Profit margins: Particularly relevant in the current inflationary spiraling pricing cycle, it’s critical to have true-cost pricing. Don’t let your profit margins be eaten away by increasing costs.

 Tip: Regularly check the cost of goods and products and determine realistic profit margins by setting prices not too low or too high. Pricing points are needed to keep you competitive and in the red. Offer value for money and your customers will keep coming back!

  1. Overdue payments: monies due to you: Slow and late payments pose the greatest risk to small Business. Cash in keeps the money flow flowing, without it the cash river dries up!

Tip: Have an efficient invoicing and billing system in place, one that generates accounts at point of sale and offers various payment methods. Electronic systems can also monitor receipts and overdue accounts allowing you to better manage and avoid late payments. Keep on top of your debtors ledger, remember you are running a Business. 

  1. Personal and Business financial matters: Mixing money, personal and Company transactions is fraught with danger, including relationship friction and can easily lead to ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’!

 Tip: Keep separate systems and records and avoid ‘borrowing’ from either.  Makes it simpler for all concerned including for providing true and accurate Business financial reports, taxes and audits.

It's out! Here are highlights from this month's Federal Budget 2024-25 announcements.

Checkout what they mean for you and your Business.

  • The instant asset write-off policy has been extended for another year. This allows Businesses with a turnover below $10 million to an immediate deduction of $20,000 per eligible asset.
  • The Budget also sets aside $641.4m over the next financial year for ‘targeted support’ to small Business including the above initiative.
  • Includes energy bill relief of $325 to eligible small Businesses 
  • Investment to deliver and expand the Digital ID System and
  • Building cyber resilience, providing free cybertraining for Small Business operators and their staff.
  • To help increase the number of Apprentices and Tradies includes funding for 20,000 new fee-free TAFE, VET, and pre-apprentice courses related to the housing sector, and $1.8 million to help fast-track assessment of potential migrants, that may have relevant construction-related qualifications.
  • The government has pledged to expand its ‘new energy’ apprenticeship scheme to encourage greater uptake.
  • Stage 3 tax-cuts from 1 July this year:Reduce the 19% tax rate to 16%; reduce the 32.5% to 30%; increase the 37% tax threshold from $120,000 to $135,000; increase the 45%  tax threshold from $180,000 to $190,000.

Fringe Benefits

What it is, how it applies and what you need to do as an Employer!

 What is Fringe Benefits Tax?

  • Fringe Benefits tax (FBT) is a tax paid by employers on certain benefits provided to their employees, or to their employees’ family or other associates.
  • FBT is separate to income tax. It's calculated on the taxable value of the fringe benefit.
  • As an employer, you must self-assess your FBT liability for the FBT year (1 April to 31 March). If you have an FBT liability, you must lodge an FBT return and pay the FBT you owe.

 What is a Fringe Benefit?

A fringe benefit is like a payment to an employee, but in a different form to salary or wages.

There are different types of fringe benefits. Examples include:

  • allowing an employee to use a work car for private purposes
  • car parking
  • paying an employee's gym membership
  • providing entertainment by way of free tickets to concerts
  • reimbursing an expense incurred by an employee, such as school fees
  • giving an employee a discounted loan
  • giving benefits under a salary sacrifice arrangement with an employee.

Not a Fringe Benefit.

Examples that are not fringe benefits are listed on the ATO website.


Who receives Fringe Benefits?

Tax Time

It's that time of the year again, Tax-Time it's just around the corner.


Don’t put it off or file it in the too hard basket, start now with our,


6 Top Tips!

  1. Getting ready is about getting your ‘house’, Business in order. Start by organising your paperwork.  If you have a 'shoe-box' or bottom drawer full of unsorted papers now is the time to start sorting and filing.   
  1. A stress-less tax time is all about good record keeping. You need to account for every dollar that comes in and out of your Business! Make sure you have the ‘evidence’ to back your claims!
  1. Missing copies of claimable receipts or expenses records, follow-up now to avoid panic later.     
  1. Working from home, remote flexi arrangements, keep copies and record any related expenses for 'end of year' deductible claims. 
  1. Have you checked if there are any Government incentives and initiatives for small Business?  Have you received any concessions? If so, are there reportable implications!
  1. Do you have any questions regarding your Taxation obligations, not sure what a legitimate claimable expense is or are needing help with bookkeeping, payroll systems and processes! Contact Blackburn Accounting, we are 'Your Family Business Specialists'.

Check list

November is the month of opportunity for planning to gain increased sales. 

Attraction to the November Black Friday and Cyber Monday events has seen recent record sales and this month also heralds the lead into Christmas gift shopping and summer holiday, traditional Boxing Day sales.

 According to a recent survey, the ‘Christmas tills will be ringing’ despite the current economic climate.  Shoppers will be more frugal with cost-of-living pressures impacting but are still ready to buy.'  

Whatever your Business if you want to get your share of revenue, follow these Tips. Increased sales equals increased revenue and who doesn’t want that! 


 It starts by understanding WHY November planning is crucial for Sales Success 

Simpy said, with a range of opportunities you can't afford to miss out. Think strategic and back with sound planning and preparation to capture and gain market share.  



High Performance Organization


In today’s competitive business landscape, a High-Performance Culture is the cornerstone to success.  

The journey begins with understanding the importance of High-Performance Culture. What defines it, what are the Benefits, and how to build and implement it to achieve success in your Business?

In simple terms, a Business High-Performance Culture is a set of beliefs, values and behaviours that enable a Business to achieve excellent results and high levels of growth.  Both Management and Staff are committed to the principles

Key Elements of a High-Performance Culture:

  • Clear goals and expectations established
  • Effective two-way communication
  • Continuous development and learning
  • Recognition & Rewards
  • Better overall performance 

Why High-Performance Culture Drives Business Success:

  • Employees are more engaged, satisfied, motivated and empowered
  • Productivity and efficiency are increased
  • The environment fosters creativity and innovation and skills development
  • Attracts top talent
  • Retention rates improved
  • Stronger Business agility

As the cornerstone to Success, a High-Performance Culture encourages independence, teamwork, continuous learning and problem-solving, encouraging staff to take ownership in the performance of their roles. Management must lead by example selling a new strategic vision.  


Best Practice for Creating and Implementing a High-Performance Culture:

It's a reminder the ATO has a number of areas and Taxpayers in its focus this year! 


 Included in their sights using a new data-matching protocol and cross checking system are; 

  • work related expenses,
  • rental investment property deductions,
  • private use of Business assets,
  • cyptocurrency activities,  
  • ‘side gig’, second incomes gained, such as ‘influencers’.

 Importantly don’t blur your deductions when making your claims!  

Follow these 5 simple Steps to get the best, clearest and correct picture: 

  1. Keep accurate records, logbooks and diaries
  1. Claim only work-related expenses, don’t mix private and company  
  1. Adopt the revised fixed rate of 67cents per hour working from home
  1. Know and understand your obligations
  1. Contact Blackburn Accounting if you have questions or need professional advice


The probing questions raised by many!

the following offers answers and explanations. 

 For some, the recent inflationary pressures came as a surprise, an unknown phenomenon while for others, those who experienced high inflation in the early 70’s to late 90’s, it was a return nightmare. Like me you may recall those challenging times and bad dreams.

  • So, what is Inflation!

Inflation is an increase in the level of prices of the goods and services that households buy. It is measured as the rate of change of those prices. Typically, prices rise over a given time.’ This includes commodities such as food grains, fuel, transport and utilities like electricity. And not to forget services for healthcare, entertainment, and labor. 

It will be experienced and viewed differently, positively or negatively, depending on your circumstances, and rate of change.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the indicator used to measure the percentage change in the price of a basket of goods and services consumed by households. 

Simply said, the economic cycle and the interest rate cycle are intertwined and in theory, interest rate changes should follow the economic cycle. For example, The Reserve Bank raise interest rates to slow down the economy and avoid inflation when the economy is growing rapidly, and inflationary pressures are increasing. The situation we are currently experiencing.

  • What does it mean to Households, Consumers, Businesses

Cost-of-living pressures, rising prices of everyday goods and services, and declining purchasing power of the dollar are putting a strain on average households, stretching their budgets.  As monetary policy responses kick-in, home buyers, mortgagees face increased interest rates and repayment, while renters have higher costs as housing investors pass on their borrowing expenses. Housing costs are at a new high for a number of reasons, including limited stock (demand and supply tensions).

  •   Is inflation something new? No!

Australia’s inflation history since the introduction of the CPI can be broken down into four main phases: (i) The initial post-war recovery and the ‘Korean War boom’; (ii) the disinflationary period from 1953 to 1972; (iii) high inflation from 1973 to 1990; and (iv) the period since the introduction of inflation targeting by the RBA. 

  • Snapshot: the Inflation Rate in Australia averaged 4.89 percent from 1951 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 23.90 percent in the fourth quarter of 1951 and a record low of -1.30 percent in the second quarter of 1962.


  •  What does it look like!

Living WageMost importantly How is this Relationship affecting you! 

Inflation, Wages and Productivity, it’s a push-pull relationship! 

Inflation has surged, prices are rising faster than wages and the measures to counter inflation is hurting many, including Morgagees and Small Business owners. 

Households sinking under the pressure of inflationary cost of living expenses are looking for answers and solutions. What to do, who to turn to!

Small Businesses too are seeking answers on how to survive and thrive during this period.  They are under pressure on many fronts, including;

  • With increased cost of goods and supplies how to maintain a profit margin
  • Staffing, Wage-price dynamics - responding to demands 

 Inflation affects every area of Small Business, your Business, from the rising price of goods and services to how much your overheads cost, such as rent., to how much customers will pay for your products.  

But, don’t be disheartened, there are answers, ways to meeting these inflationary challenges. Create your healthier relationship with the following!

 4 Ways to Survive and Thrive during inflation:

  1. Get your pricing right: Be fair when setting your prices. Customers don’t want to be ripped off. Pricing should reflect the value and quality of products. Adapt your prices as needed to reflect the changed economic conditions. Avoid over or under-pricing. You need to maintain a reasonable profit margin to survive. 
  1. Reward your Employees: Reward your staff with fair wages and incentives.  Be creative. Staff will show appreciation with their contribution and extra effort. Encourage upskilling as growth opportunities if ‘monetary’ bonuses aren't an option.
  1. Keep on top of your cashflow: Cashflow is the lifeline of your Business. It’s critical to stay on top of what’s going out and coming in. Adopt processes and systems to issue invoices quickly and offer automated payment options. Closely monitor and manage your debtors ledger to get timely payments.
  1. Rework your Business Strategy: With changed circumstances now is the time to review, rethink and rework your Business Strategy. Be creative, look at what has changed and what opportunities it brings. Be progressive, consider what technological improvements may be possible and rethink, and look at new ways of doing Business.  Going forward, adapt your Business model to the current economic environment.

What created this situation! 

The high inflation we are experiencing is the fallout of the COVID pandemic and Ukraine conflict. These events interrupted supply in the global economy pushing up prices and costs. Along with this the fiscal and monetary policy responses to the pandemic underpinned a strong recovery in demand that also pushed up prices. In essence the ‘push pull’ of supply and demand!

How do we bring inflation down? 



Technology, YES, it has redefined the way we do business and will continue to do so! It’s a fact

Smart Small Businesses are getting on board adopting various technology solutions to harness digital transformation to support and enable Business growth and efficiency. If you are a Small Business owner, you can’t afford not to take-up what Technoloy offers, the benefits it brings to keep you competitive, by running your Business more smoothly and effectively.

Are you one of them!. Keep reading to find out more, why and how Small Business should take on Technology today!

Technology, is described as ‘the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.’ (def: Oxford languages).’ And no-one can dispute its application.

From the earliest beginnings of stone tools, fire and weapons to the present day with advances in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchains and robotics, technology has continuously changed and transformed our lives. 

It was Technology that came to the forefront as we sought answers to counter the impact of COVID. The pandemic fallout brought changes to how we did business, bought, sold and delivered. It reshaped how, where and when people worked. With lockdowns and restrictions Online digital operations became the norm. Going forward, these practices along with technological developments are the new world order.  

5 Reasons Why Every Small Business should take on Technology today 

  1. Tech plays a crucial role in redesigning and reinvigorating a Business
  1. Tech can save you time, money and effort by streamlining systems & processes
  1. It takes the hassle out running day to day Business operations through more efficient data collection and analysis, offers better customer support and improved organisational infrastructure

Fresh Start


Have you given up on the notion of New Year's Resolutions, they don’t work or even thinking about it, it's all too hard! 

Or are you one of the many who believe in the power of making a fresh start?

The savvy are already making plans for their New Year New Beginnings with aspirations expressing hopes and promises to make changes for a better you and a better year.

If you want tot get onboard there are simple steps you can take and strategies you can adopt to achieve the outcomes you want!  

Read on for our 7 Top Tips


So what's it all about!

Described by Wiki as ‘A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western World but also found in the Eastern World, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behaviour, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behaviour at the beginning of a calendar year.’ 

With that in mind are you feeling a little sheepish about last year's declarations, those profound proposed changes that didn’t come to fruition? The ever popular lose weight, exercise more and be a better me! But I won't be dismissive as some readers will have accomplished such goals and more.

New Year, New Beginnings, let's take a different approach to this subject. 

Consider, Making a fresh start! Making this your best year ever!  



Although not announced as part of this year’s Federal Budget, it’s important for employers to note that the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate will increase from the current 10.5% to 11% on 1 July 2023.  

 Employers will need to remember to update your payroll system to comply with this increase.  The new SG rate applies to payments made to workers on or after 1 July 2023.  

 Super guarantee percentage


1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023


1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024


1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025


1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026


  • Details can be found on the Australian Taxation Office website.
  • Contact Blackburn Accounting if you need help or advice with this or other accounting matters. 


Credit Card Debt


Are you feeling foggy headed, not from Christmas cheer overindulgence but from debt acquired during your Christmas shopping frenzy.  

Santa has left, the decorations are down, and the Christmas tree is carefully stored away but the debt isn’t.  Debt, it’s hanging about giving you a horrific headache.

You are beginning to feel the strain and struggle of financial stress and understanding the bleak impact it is having on your life. It's daunting!


What to do! Who to turn to? 

Keep reading

We have compiled our 8 Best Tips to help cure your financial woes. 


It's a fact, that Australia’s economy was built on the passion and productivity of small Business, from the traditional ‘family-run’ corner shops, pubs, cottage industries, farming and more. 

With its unique features, the ability to adapt, along with flexibility, creativity and innovation and some risk-taking Small Businesses' have contributed to the economic health and wealth of our society.

In essence, Small Business has been an essential part and backbone of our nation providing a critical source of employment and economic growth that has served us well. And continues to do so!

With recent calls from Federal Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers for improvement in productivity what better time to consider your Business’s productivity performance and potential for growth? 

 What is P for ProductivityWhat Does it Mean and Why is it Important for Your Business 

Productivity in business is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of ingredients (inputs) used to produce those items. Simply put, ‘the measure of production efficiency’! 

Why is Productivity Important? 

It is important to us all, as workers and consumers, Business owners and Government policymakers as it shapes our economy’s welfare and ability to support generations now and in the future. At a national level it captures an economy's ability to harness its physical and human resources to generate output and income.

  •  Productivity means how much you produce by the number of employees or hours worked.     
  •  Productivity growth is described as the process by which people get more, (greater profits & higher wages) from less (less effort, fewer resources, fewer hours at work), overtime. 

Many factors affect productivity growth, such as; technological improvements, economies of scale and scope, workforce skills, management practices, changes in other inputs (such as capital), the stage of the business cycle and competitive pressures.

 Productivity in Small Business can make it or if lacking can break it!   

Being more productive helps grow your Business because it increases profitability, and who doesn’t want the benefits that provides.    

 6 Tips to Increase Productivity in the Workplace: 

  1. Create a Culture of Productivity
  1. Aim for Achievement 

Groceries Shopping


READ on for 6 Ways to Avoid Toppling over the pricing Edge!  

As we face the mountain of inflation and rapidly rising price increases no one is immune. Business is grappling with supply, wage and production costs that in turn are passed onto their customers.


Some Small Business many may be facing their Pricing Tipping Point

But what to do to avoid toppling over the edge!

Your most valued asset is your customers and clients. Without them, there are no sales and no revenue. Simply raising prices if used as a blunt instrument can be damaging and harm customer relationships.  No Business wants disgruntled unhappy customers! or to lose them.   

Keep reading, there are pricing solutions.  

Smart Businesses see an opportunity to develop new customer relationships that acknowledge price pain points while still preserving margins. This approach is the art and science of pricing management.

6 Tipping Point Pricing Solutions

  1. Communicate honestly with your Customers: Be upfront and open about price changes, and why they are needed. Clear and transparent communication is vital and will help mitigate any backlash.  Most will understand and appreciate you are running a business. 
  1. Deliver Excellent Service, Value and Quality for Money: Ensure you deliver on all of these. Focus on customer satisfaction and provide a shopping experience that brings them back for more.  Back this up with customer surveys to know what your customers really want and need or would like!
  1. Creative Pricing policy: One price size doesn’t fit all! Take the time and effort to explore the science of pricing and develop your pricing strategy accordingly.  For example, price changes tailored to product segments or items. Customers will react differently to price increases depending on how price sensitive they are. In simple terms, adjust price based on customers willingness to pay on product differentiation. 
  1. Monitor the Market: keep abreast of your competition and their pricing and marketing strategies.  In the world of ECommerce shoppers are just a click away from a range of best deals and offers. Know what’s going on to be in the game.

working at office

The Great Debate! 

From articles circulated and conversations overheard, opinion has it that both scenarios, the Office or Working from Home, have their positive and negative aspects! Most likely you have expressed your thoughts, whether as a Small Business owner or employee or both!

But isn't the answer simply, finding the RIGHT balance for optimal productivity in any work environment’?  


Don't wait, act now! Smart Businesses tailor their approaches to suit the needs of employees and provide ongoing support to get the best results and outcomes for all parties

In essence, where there is the opportunity, the solution lies in offering various working models, Office, Home or Hybrid arrangements.

But let’s take a closer look and examine the question considering the arguments, the pros and cons of both positions.

The Advantages of Working in an Office Environment: 

  • Provides the opportunity for Teamwork, collaboration and social connection and the benefits found as part of the office culture.  
  • Fosters increased productivity by providing peer support, and face to face interaction that allows for better communication and problem-solving. 
  • Greater overall career development and growth opportunities in this setting

The Benefits of Working from Home for Increased Productivity:

  • The advantages include providing personalised workspace, flexibility in routines, and reduced stress with efficiency gains in time and travel avoiding long commutes.
  • This model is particularly suited to the self-motivated, highly organized and disciplined worker. 
  • There was increased productivity in occupations that required a high degree of focusedor independent work such as software engineers.

The Challenges of Maintaining Productivity in the Office Situation: